IWhat we danced at Little Chalfont Autumn 2024
19th December 2024
Hedwig's Reel - Featuring figures of 8 and the Grand Chain
City of Belfast - Reel of 4 and the Espagnole : oh so elegant!
Hammock Jig - Featuring mirror reels with 1s crossing.
Falkirk Lass ( strathspey) with corners pass and turn
12th December 2024
​Borrowdale Exchange suzanne's rehearsal! Thankyou.
The Committee Meeting (Reel) with mirror reels, left shoulder reels and Set and Link.
Portincaple Oak The Medley which we did as 4 times through just Srtrathspey.with interlocking Ladies Chain for 4 couples, and Schiehallion Reels
Trip to Timber Ridge the very fast, jolly one, featuring Corners pass and Turn in quick time !
The Music and the Dance with the Knot for 3 and Set and Rotate for 3,
Mairie's Wedding- features 1/2 diagonal reels of 4 between corners and then a left shoulder reel of 3 across, ending with a circle.
Singing Sands ​the one with the tourbillon. and diagonal rights and lefts
5th December 2024
Highland Fair the one to show Rights & Lefts
Young Accordion Man supposed to be with a birl, but we just did a simple turn to be ready for the Corner's Chain.
Deer Friends, half diagonal reels,Set and Link and the Sliding Door move..
Honeymoon- the one starting with a long cast down behind the sidelines.
The Button Boy (Reel)
Reflection reels ( normal and crossing) , double triangles and Whoopsie Turn
Mirror reels (but not crossing in the video)
Singing Sands ​the one with the tourbillon. and diagonal rights and lefts
28th November 2024​
EH3 7AH (Jig) with the promenade and teapots.
Waternish Tangle ​the one with the targe.
Kendall's Hornpipe -
Ladies' Chain
​Portincaple Oak The Medley which we did as 4 times through just Srtrathspey.with interlocking Ladies Chain for 4 couples, and Schiehallion Reels
The Committee Meeting (Reel) with mirror reels, left shoulder reels and Set and Link.
Mairie's Wedding- features 1/2 diagonal reels of 4 between corners and then a left shoulder reel of 3 across, ending with a circle.
21st November 2024
Welcome to the Dance Round the Room to get us started.
Highland Rambler Right Hands across and Left hands across, then rambling down the set in lines of 3 across..
Portincaple Oak The Medley which we did as 4 times through just Srtrathspey.with interlocking Ladies Chain for 4 couples, and Schiehallion Reels
Waternish Tangle ​the one with the targe.
Light & Airy - - featuring a 2-couple Allemande, and then a speedy Turn Corner/Partner/Corner/Partner.
​Currie Mountain (Reel) - 1s coming through the middle turning on the sides first 3s and then 2s, then hands across and finally reel on the sides
Right Hands Across
14th November 2024
Kelburn's Reel Round the Room to get us started.
The Lady Wynd - Featuring figures of 8 on the side, promenade and teapots
- Deer Friends, half diagonal reels,Set and Link and the Sliding Door move..
Fulwood Favourite Reels of 3 on opposite side, half figures of 8 at each end​
Granville Market No Reels in this one!​
7th November 2024
Pleased to Meet You Round the Room to get us started.
Ladies' Chain
Do-Si Do
Kendall's Hornpipe -
Ladies' Chain
Good-Hearted Glasgow - Featuring Right and Left Hands Across ( Teapots),
Portincaple Oak The Medley which we did as 4 times through just Srtrathspey.with interlocking Ladies Chain for 4 couples, and Schiehallion Reels
EH3 7AH (Jig) with the promenade and teapots.
Waternish Tangle ​the one with the targe.
31st October 2024
Waratah Weaver (jig) Figures of 8 on side lines
Kendall's Hornpipe
Ladies' Chain
The Music and the Dance with the Knot for 3 and Set and Rotate for 3,
​The Committee Meeting (Reel) with mirror reels, left shoulder reels and Set and Link.
Deer Friends, half diagonal reels,Set and Link and the Sliding Door move..
Good-Hearted Glasgow - Featuring Right and Left Hands Across ( Teapots),
24th October 2024
EH3 7AH (Jig) with the promenade and teapots.
​The Committee Meeting (Reel) with mirror reels, left shoulder reels and Set and Link.
Deer Friends, half diagonal reels,Set and Link and the Sliding Door move..
Light & Airy - - featuring a 2-couple Allemande, and then a speedy Turn Corner/Partner/Corner/Partner.
17th October 2024
EH3 7AH (Jig) with the promenade and teapots.
​The Committee Meeting (Reel) with mirror reels, left shoulder reels and Set and Link.
Young Accordion Man supposed to be with a birl, but we just did a simple turn to be ready for the Corner's Chain.
Flowers of Dunbeg - an easy one to end ​
10th October 2024​
Light & Airy - - featuring a 2-couple Allemande, and then a speedy Turn Corner/Partner/Corner/Partner.
Young Accordion Man supposed to be with a birl, but we just did a simple turn to be ready for the Corner's Chain.
The Music and the Dance with the Knot for 3 and Set and Rotate for 3,
Mairie's Wedding- features 1/2 diagonal reels of 4 between corners and then a left shoulder reel of 3 across, ending with a circle.
Flowers of Dunbeg - an easy one to end with as a reward​
3rd October 2024
Welcome to the Dance Round the Room to get us started.
Waratah Weaver (jig) Figures of 8 on side lines
Laird of Miltons Daughter (Jig) Practice for the Corner's Chain.
Gramachie ( Strathspey)- the slow one where we set to first and second corners and turn with both hands
Ecclefechan Feline- A useful reminder of mirror reels, together with figures of 8 on the side and teapots.
Waternish Tangle ​the one with the targe. To be continued...
Fulwood Favourite Reels of 3 on opposite side, half figures of 8 at each end​
26th September 2024
Provost Wynd - featuring right shoulder reels of 3 on the side and , Right Hands across.
Currie Mountain (Reel) - 1s coming through the middle turning on the sides first 3s and then 2s, then hands across and finally reel on the sides
Red Squirrel (strathspey)- the one focussing on Mirror Reels
Waternish Tangle ​the one with the targe. To be continued...
Good-Hearted Glasgow - Featuring Right and Left Hands Across ( Teapots),
19th September 2024
Waratah Weaver (jig) Figures of 8 on side lines
Young Accordion Man supposed to be with a birl, but we just did a simple turn to be ready for the Corner's Chain.
Falkirk Lass ( strathspey) with corners pass and turn
Luckenbooth Brooch- the one focussing on reels of 3 across, danced in promenade hold by the dancing couple . We excluded the Rights and lefts for supporting couples.
Honeymoon- the one starting with a long cast down behind the sidelines.
12th September 2024
The Lady Wynd - Featuring figures of 8 on the side, promenade and teapots
Figures of 8 Teapots​
Young Accordion Man supposed to be with a birl, but we just did a simple turn to be ready for the Corner's Chain.
Corner's Chain​
12 Coates Crescent- Featuring Right and Left Hands Across, and Rights & Lefts
Right Hands Across
Rights & Lefts ​
Ecclefechan Feline- A useful reminder of mirror reels, together with figures of 8 on the side and teapots
.CribVideoFigures of 8 on the sideMirror ReelsTeapots
​The Button Boy Reflection reels ( normal and crossing) , double triangles and Whoopsie Turn
Mirror reels (but not crossing in the video)
Double Triangle position​
Fulwood Favourite Reels of 3 on opposite side, half figures of 8 at each end​CribVideoReels of 3 on sideHalf figures of 8 acrossHands Around ( the circle)​​Teapots​The
Button Boy Reflection reels ( normal and crossing) , double triangles and Whoopsie TurnCribVideoMirror reels (but not crossing in the video) Double Triangle position​​
Balquidder Strathspey More crossing mirror reels, together with Turn Corners and Partners.CribVideo​Mirror ReelsTurn Corner,Partner,Corner,Partner​Highland
Rambler Right Hands across and Left hands across, then rambling down the set in lines of 3 across..Crib
Right Hands Across
​Silver Grey (Strathspey)- slow one with Rights and Lefts and a half figure of 8
Rights & Lefts
Figures of 8
Trip to Timber Ridge the very fast, jolly one, featuring Corners pass and Turn in quick time !